Color Layering on Computer Ruggels' Tutorials

Color Layering on Computer


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Here's a quick tutorial for implementing Photoshop color on pre-existing art. There are two approaches to this -- an easy way and a thorough way. The easy way produced the color of "Grandmother's War," my example graphic, in about five hours, with pencils and inks of the original taking an additional three hours or so.

The thorough method took me a month of half days and weekends to finish in time for a convention. This tutorial will cover the easy way, working from an already inked drawing.

The graphic shows the inks from the "Grandmother's War" picture. For this entire tutorial, just click on the graphic to get a larger version opening up in another window. Then you can put it next to this window, with the text in it, and follow along as you wish.

The lines are inked with a brush and follow the standard comic-book inking conventions, with one modification -- there is no crosshatching, or feathering of the lines. All shading and most indications of light will be handled by color and shading. Also, unlike a lot of ink styles, the shapes are closed to allow for accurate selections for the Magic Wand tool.

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