Lou's Home Page
Here are a number of things that I want to find quickly, or that I want
other people to be able to find quickly.
- The obligatory résumé
- This is my résumé. I try and keep it up to date.
This is the new, compact version which should fit on a reasonable number
of pages. It's a PDF file.
- Multi-Player Game!
- This is Demo 1 of a multi-player game that Andrew Quinn and I wrote
ages ago. It's up and running! Unless it breaks.
- Send Lou A Page
You can send Lou a (short) alphanumeric page via the magic of the web.
- Deep Thoughts
- This is a set of scribbly random thoughts that I'm putting online,
just because I finally got around to it, and felt the need.
I think it's interesting. Maybe other people will too.
I had been calling it a journal, but it's so intermittend,
and so strange, I've rechristened it "Deep Thoughts".
- Webcomics
- These are the links to the webcomics I read. Most people use
bookmarks, but I keep finding myself on different machines
and the lists get out of date.
- Reality Fault
- This is a MU* system that I've been working and playing on for some time, and I'm
rather pleased with the great role play that's going on here now.
- Code Bits
- These are some interesting or useful bits of code I've written
that I thought I'd want or others might want. Enjoy.
- Drawing Hexagons
- Drawing hexagons on the screen for a game baffled me for a long
time, until I finally figured out how. I'll share with everyone.
- Humorous RFCs
- The RFCs, or Request For Comments, describe many of the underlying
protocols the Internet lives on. There are more than three thousand
of these technical documents, dating back to the mid-seventies.
Geeks being geeks, many of these aren't terribly serious, and
this fellow has made a list of those. I found them terribly amusing.
- Art of Carroll St. Genevieve
- This is artwork of the character Carroll that I play on Reality Fault.
- The History Of Font Names
- This is an old humorous list of where font names come from, via a friend at Microsoft.
- The Jived Bible
- This is Genesis run through several different fun filters, to make it
less serious. Street jive, Valley talk, and the Swedish Chef, at
- The Loki Graphics page
- This is my character off of FurryMUCK drawn by as many people as
I can sucker or bribe into it.
- The Cute Skunk Page
- This is a set of photos collected from the Skunk mailing list.
This gets updated all the time, so check back often.
- The Red Dwarf
This is the Red Dwarf BBS that I wrote. It's a buncha web pages. It
still sort of ticks along, so have a look, and post on it.
- Javascript 1.3 docs
These are newer Javascript docs from Netscape's site, browseable.
- Javascript 1.1 docs
These are some of the Javascript docs from Netscape's website, uncompressed and browsable.
- MUCK docs
These are docs from the Fuzzball 5.56 MUCK server distribution. I needed
them to be someplace beside in the archive, so here they are.
- The Happy Skunk Noise
Apparently (according to a webpage source I have lost) this is a sample of
a happy skunk. They are usually silent, this is a rare noise. The sound
is also avalible as a WAV file for Windows.
- Normal Skunk Blood Test Values
Speaking of skunks, this is a Word document containing the normal expected
values from a blood sample of a healthy skunk. I don't know what these
mean, but a vet should. If you have a pet skunk, and your vet isn't sure
what the blood normals are, here's a copy you can share. Contributed by
Jane Bone. (To me, anyway. Where she got it, I'm not sure.)
- How to password protect a web page
This is notes on how to password protect a web page with htpassword on a
server running Apache and so configured. Rdwarf is.
- The big HDD list
This is the big list of old disc drives. I needed it and kept losing the
URL, so here it is. Thanks to it's authors.
- MUF Links
These are some perhaps useful MUF references, with other people's MUF code
on them. You should let me know if the links seem broken.
- Seargent Centaur's Lonely Hearts Club Band
This is the near-obligatory filk. It's a very good one, and fits the
music perfectly, and filks a favorite album, the Beatles' Seargent
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Give it a read, with the album playing
along if you can arrange it. Were I inspired, I'd find MPEG to go with
- Password
protecting a web page
- This is a page by a good friend, Collie, who started with the
page I wrote which she found horrible, and
tried to put it
in to English.
- Jason't
Test Page
Look at Jason's Test Page.
- Test
- My original home page
Here's the home page I first used on the 'net. It predates my permanent
connection, so reminded me the things I needed to be online to use, and
assumed that a particular CD pretty much never left my drive. I wasn't
running Linux full time at that point, either, but was close. When I
moved it in here, the date on the file was 16 June 1996.
670 hits since 19 May 2000, at around 8pm.