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Entry 8-18-03 (originally written 8-10-03)
I've never been able to look as insane as I am... the best I can manage is a look of irritated concentration.

I read somewhere that in Israel, Orthodox Jews like to hassle Reform Jews who visit the Wailing Wall. I wondered if I'd get hassled, too, since I don't have a religion. Do they even let non-Jews go there? I think I would come across all space alien and say, "Tell me about your faith," in case I could learn what had them so wound up. I thought about going into some church near here and grabbing some Christian and saying "What distinguishes your faith from all the other denominations of Christianity? I mean, other than being the one true faith, of course." I could go into any church and there would be somebody there to answer my questions; they have people waiting inside, in case somebody comes in and wants to be converted. And that's when it struck me; that there are hundreds of thousands of churches and temples and mosques all over the world, all these facilities, which are of no use to me. I might need to go to the post office, and any given retail store might have something I need, but there's no reason I will ever want to use one of these holy places for its intended purpose.

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