/sub off
@program cmd-page
1 9999 d
1 i
( MUFpage    Copyright 4/15/91 by Garth Minette                  )
(                                 foxen@netcom.com               )
(                                                                )
: oproploc ( dbref -- dbref' )
    dup "_proploc" getpropstr
    dup if
        dup "#" 1 strncmp not if
            1 strcut swap pop
        atoi dbref
        dup ok? if
            dup owner 3 pick
            dbcmp if swap then
        else swap
        then pop
    else pop
: myproploc ( -- dbref)
    me @ oproploc
$define tell me @ swap notify $enddef
: split
    swap over over swap
    instr dup not if
        pop swap pop ""
        1 - strcut rot
        strlen strcut
        swap pop
: fillspace
    swap strlen -
    "                                        " ( 40 spaces )
    dup strcat ( 80 spaces now )
    swap strcut pop
$define strip-leadspaces striplead $enddef
$define strip-trailspaces striptail $enddef
$define stripspaces strip $enddef
( mail encryption stuff )
: transpose (char -- char')
    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890_"
    over instr dup if
        swap pop 1 -
        "wG8D kBQzWm4gbRXHOqaZiJPtUTN2pu6M0VjFlK3sdS9oYe5A_7IE1cnLvfyCrhx"
        swap strcut 1 strcut pop swap pop
: encrypt-charloop (nullstr string -- string')
    dup not if pop exit then
    1 strcut swap transpose
    rot swap strcat swap
: encrypt-loop (nullstr string -- string')
    dup not if pop exit then
    100 strcut "" rot
    rot swap strcat
    swap encrypt-loop
: encrypt (string -- string')
    "" swap encrypt-loop
( better encryption. But slower. )
: asc (stringchar -- int)
    dup if
      swap instr 1 - exit
    then pop 0
: chr (int -- strchar)
    swap strcut 1 strcut pop swap pop
: cypher (key chars -- chars')
    1 strcut asc swap asc
    over 89 > over 89 > or if chr swap chr strcat swap pop exit then
    dup 10 / 10 *
    4 pick 10 + rot 10 % - 10 %
    rot dup 10 / 10 *
    5 rotate 10 + rot 10 % - 10 %
    4 rotate + chr -3 rotate + chr strcat
: crypt2-loop (key strcrypt strnorm -- strcrypt)
    dup not if pop swap pop exit then
    2 strcut 4 pick rot cypher
    rot swap strcat swap
: crypt2-loop2 (key strcrypt strnorm -- strcrypt)
    dup strlen 200 < if crypt2-loop exit then
    200 strcut swap 4 pick 4 rotate rot crypt2-loop
    swap crypt2-loop2
: crypt2 (key string -- string')
    swap 9 % 100 + "" rot crypt2-loop2
Gazer's Sort routines
  Shell Sort
  Takes  [ x1 x2 x3 ... xn n -- x1' x2' x3' ... xn' n ]
: CmpStrCaseInsensAsc  stringcmp 0 > ;
: SortJLoop  ( <strings*n> n cmp inc i j -- <strings*n> n cmp inc i )
    dup 0 <= if pop exit then     ( while j > 0 )
    dup 5 + pick                  ( get A[j] )
    over 5 pick + 6 + pick        ( get A[j+inc] )
    6 pick execute if             ( do comparison )
      dup 5 + pick                ( swap: get A[j] )
      over 5 pick + 6 + pick      (   get A[j+inc] )
      3 pick 6 + put              (   put into A[j] )
      over 5 pick + 5 + put       (   put into A[j+inc] )
      3 pick -                    ( j := j - inc )
      pop exit then               ( break out if we don't swap )
: SortILoop  ( <strings*n> n cmp inc i -- <strings*n> n cmp inc)
    dup 5 pick > if pop exit then ( for i := inc + 1 to n )
    over over swap - SortJLoop    (   j := i - inc )
    1 + SortILoop                 (   while j > 0 )
: SortIncLoop  ( <strings*n> n cmp inc --- <strings*n> n )
    dup 0 <= if pop pop exit then ( while inc > 0)
    dup 1 + SortILoop             (   for i := inc + 1 to n )
    2 / SortIncLoop
: Sort  ( <strings*n> n )
    over 2 / SortIncLoop
( End Gazer's Sort routines )
: sort-stringwords-reassemble ({strrange} -- string)
    dup 1 <= if pop exit then
    1 - swap " " strcat rot strcat swap
: sort-stringwords (str -- str')
    dup " " instr if
        " " explode sort
: fake_format? (default string -- string' TRUE )
               (            or -- default FALSE )
    "%n" me @ name subst
    dup "%n" instr not if
        "%n " swap strcat
    dup  "%n whispers, \"%m\"" stringcmp not
    over "%n whispers \"%m\"" stringcmp not or
    over "%n shouts, \"%m\"" stringcmp not or
    over "%n shouts \"%m\"" stringcmp not or
    over "%n %m" stringcmp not or if
        pop 0
        swap pop 1
( *** routines to get and set properties *** )
: setpropstr (dbref propname value -- )
    dup not if
        pop remove_prop
        0 addprop
: envprop envpropstr swap pop ;
: search-prop (propname -- str)
    myproploc over getpropstr
    dup not if
        me @ location
        rot envprop
    swap pop
: getprop (playerdbref propname -- str)
    over oproploc over getpropstr
    dup not if
        pop swap over envprop
        dup not if
            pop trigger @ swap getpropstr
        else swap pop
    else rot rot pop pop
: getignorestr (playerdbref -- ignorestr)
    trigger @ getlink "ignore#"
    rot int intostr
    strcat getpropstr
: setignorestr (ignorestr playerdbref -- )
    int intostr trigger @
    getlink "ignore#" rot
    strcat rot setpropstr
: getprioritystr (playerdbref -- prioritystr)
    trigger @ getlink "priority#"
    rot int intostr
    strcat getpropstr
: setprioritystr (prioritystr playerdbref -- )
    int intostr trigger @
    getlink "priority#" rot
    strcat rot setpropstr
: getlastpager (playerdbref -- string)
    dup int swap oproploc "_page/lastpager" getpropstr
    dup "*" 1 strncmp not if 1 strcut
    swap pop crypt2 else swap pop then
: setlastpager (string playerdbref -- )
    dup oproploc swap int rot crypt2
    "*" swap strcat
    "_page/lastpager" swap setpropstr
: getlastpagers (playerdbref -- string)
    dup int swap oproploc "_page/lastpagers" getpropstr
    dup "*" 1 strncmp not if 1 strcut
    swap pop crypt2 else swap pop then
: setlastpagers (string playerdbref -- )
    dup oproploc swap int rot crypt2
    "*" swap strcat
    "_page/lastpagers" swap setpropstr
: getlastpaged (playerdbref -- string)
    dup int swap oproploc "_page/lastpaged" getpropstr
    dup "*" 1 strncmp not if 1 strcut
    swap pop crypt2 else swap pop then
: setlastpaged (string playerdbref -- )
    dup oproploc swap int rot crypt2
    "*" swap strcat
    "_page/lastpaged" swap setpropstr
: getlastpagedgroup (playerdbref -- string)
    dup int swap oproploc "_page/lastpagedgroup" getpropstr
    dup "*" 1 strncmp not if 1 strcut
    swap pop crypt2 else swap pop then
: setlastpagedgroup (string playerdbref -- )
    dup oproploc swap int rot crypt2
    "*" swap strcat
    "_page/lastpagedgroup" swap setpropstr
: set_page_standard (valstr -- )
    myproploc "_page/standard?" rot setpropstr
: page_standard? (playerdbref -- bool)
    oproploc "_page/standard?" getpropstr
    dup "yes" stringcmp not if pop 2 exit then
    "prepend" stringcmp not if 1 exit then
: set_page_echo (valstr -- )
    myproploc "_page/echo?" rot setpropstr
: page_echo? ( -- bool)
    myproploc "_page/echo?" getpropstr
    "no" stringcmp not not
: set_page_inform (valstr -- )
    myproploc "_page/inform?" rot setpropstr
: page_inform? (playerdbref -- bool)
    oproploc "_page/inform?" getpropstr
    "yes" stringcmp not
: get-curr-format ( -- formatname )
    myproploc "_page/curr_format" getpropstr
    dup not if pop "page" then
: set-curr-format ( formatname -- )
    myproploc "_page/curr_format" rot setpropstr
: set-format-prop ( playerdbref formatname format -- )
    rot oproploc rot "_page/formats/" swap strcat rot setpropstr
: get-format-prop ( playerdbref formatname -- format )
    "_page/formats/" swap strcat over swap getprop
    dup not if pop "_page/formats/page" getprop else swap pop then
    dup not if pop "You page, \"%m\" to %n." then
: set-oformat-prop ( playerdbref formatname format -- )
    rot oproploc rot "_page/formats/o" swap strcat rot setpropstr
: get-oformat-prop ( playerdbref formatname -- format )
    "_page/formats/o" swap strcat over swap getprop
    dup not if pop "_page/formats/opage" getprop else swap pop then
    "%n pages, \"%m\" to %t." swap dup if fake_format? then pop
: get_opose ( -- oposeformat)
    myproploc "_page/formats/opose" over swap getprop
    dup not if pop "_page/formats/opage" getprop else swap pop then
    "In a page-pose to %t, %n %m" swap dup if fake_format? then pop
: set-standard (stdformat playerdbref -- )
    oproploc "_page/stdf" rot setpropstr
: get-standard (playerdbref -- stdformat)
    oproploc "_page/stdf" getpropstr
    dup not if pop "%n pages: %m" "_page/stdf" trigger @ swap getpropstr dup if swap then pop then
    "<loc>" "%l" subst
: set-prepend (prepformat playerdbref -- )
    oproploc "_page/prepf" rot setpropstr
: get-prepend (playerdbref -- prepformat)
    oproploc "_page/prepf" getpropstr
    dup not if pop "%n pages: " "_page/prepf" trigger @ swap getpropstr dup if swap then pop then
    "<loc>" "%l" subst
: get-forward (playerdbref -- string)
    oproploc "_page/forward" getpropstr
: set-forward (string -- )
    myproploc "_page/forward" rot setpropstr
: mail-count (playerdbref -- count)
    oproploc "_page/mail" "#" strcat getpropstr atoi
: mail-get   (playerdbref -- message)
    dup dup mail-count swap oproploc
    "_page/mail" "#/" strcat 3 pick intostr strcat
    over over getpropstr dup not if
        pop dup "#/" rinstr 1 - strcut
        2 strcut swap pop strcat
        over over getpropstr
    -5 rotate remove_prop
    1 - intostr swap oproploc
    "_page/mail" "#" strcat rot setpropstr
: mail-add   (playerdbref message -- )
    over mail-count 1 + intostr
    3 pick oproploc "_page/mail" "#" strcat 3 pick setpropstr
    rot oproploc "_page/mail" "#/" strcat rot strcat rot setpropstr
: mail-erase-loop (proploc count -- proploc count)
    dup not if exit then
    over mail-get dup " " split pop
    1 strcut swap pop atoi dbref
    me @ dbcmp not if
        rot rot 1 - mail-erase-loop
        pop exit
    over 4 rotate mail-add
: mail-erase (playerdbref -- erased?)
    dup mail-count mail-erase-loop swap pop
: get-lastversion ( -- versionstr)
    myproploc "_page/lastversion" getpropstr
: set-lastversion (versionstr -- )
    myproploc "_page/lastversion" rot setpropstr
: get-multimax (playerdbref -- int)
    oproploc "_page/multimax" getpropstr
    atoi dup not if pop 8888 then
: set-multimax (int playerdbref -- )
    oproploc "_page/multimax"
    rot intostr setpropstr
: get-sleepmsg (dbref -- string)
    oproploc "_page/sleepmsg" getpropstr
: set-sleepmsg (string dbref -- )
    oproploc "_page/sleepmsg" rot setpropstr
: get-havenmsg (dbref -- string)
    oproploc "_page/havenmsg" getpropstr
: set-havenmsg (string dbref -- )
    oproploc "_page/havenmsg" rot setpropstr
: get-ignoremsg (dbref -- string)
    oproploc "_page/ignoremsg" getpropstr
: set-ignoremsg (string dbref -- )
    oproploc "_page/ignoremsg" rot setpropstr
( change proploc )
: move-prop (dbref newdbref str -- )
    3 pick over getpropstr
    4 rotate 3 pick remove_prop
: move-mail (dbref newdbref count -- )
    dup not if pop pop pop exit then
    3 pick 3 pick "_page/mail" "#/" strcat
    4 pick intostr strcat
    3 pick over getpropstr not if
        pop "_page/mail"
        4 pick intostr strcat
    1 - move-mail
: move-aliases (dbref newdbref aliases -- )
    dup not if pop pop pop exit then
    " " split swap
    4 pick 4 pick "Alias"
    "-" strcat 4 rotate strcat
    move-prop move-aliases
: do-proplock-set (str -- )
    stripspaces match dup not if
        "page #proploc: I don't know what object you mean!"
        tell pop exit
    then dup #-2 dbcmp if
        "page #proploc: I don't know _which_ object you mean!"
        tell pop exit
    then dup owner me @ dbcmp not if
        "page #proploc: You don't own that object!"
        tell pop exit
    then myproploc swap
    dup int intostr me @ "_proploc" rot setpropstr
    over over "_page/lastpager"  move-prop
    over over "_page/lastpagers" move-prop
    over over "_page/lastpaged"  move-prop
    over over "_page/lastpagedgroup" move-prop
    over over "_page/standard?"     move-prop
    over over "_page/echo?"       move-prop
    over over "_page/inform?"     move-prop
    over over "_page/curr_format" move-prop
    over over "_page/formats/page"   move-prop
    over over "_page/formats/opage"  move-prop
    over over "_page/lastversion"   move-prop
    over over "_page/prepf"      move-prop
    over over "_page/stdf"       move-prop
    over over "_page/forward"    move-prop
    over over "_page/sleepmsg"   move-prop
    over over "_page/havenmsg"   move-prop
    over over "_page/ignoremsg"  move-prop
    over "_page/mail" "#" strcat getpropstr atoi
    3 pick 3 pick rot move-mail
    over over "_page/mail" "#" strcat  move-prop
    over "Alias" "es" strcat getpropstr
    3 pick 3 pick rot move-aliases
    over over "Alias" "es" strcat  move-prop
    "Properties now stored on \""
    swap name strcat "\"" strcat tell
: get-g-aliases ( -- aliasesstr)
    trigger @ getlink "GlobalAliases" getpropstr
: set-g-aliases (aliasesstr -- )
    trigger @ getlink "GlobalAliases" rot setpropstr
: set-p-aliases (aliasesstr -- )
    myproploc "Aliases" rot setpropstr
: get-p-aliases ( -- aliasesstr)
    myproploc "Aliases" getpropstr dup if exit then
    pop trigger @ getlink me @ int intostr
    "Aliases" strcat getpropstr
    dup set-p-aliases
    trigger @ getlink me @ int intostr
    "Aliases" strcat remove_prop
: set-personal-alias (aliasname aliasstr -- )
    swap tolower dup strlen
    10 > if 10 strcut pop then
    swap get-p-aliases
    " " swap over strcat strcat
    over if
        dup 4 pick " " swap over strcat strcat
        instr not if
            " " strcat 3 pick strcat
        "Personal alias set." tell
        3 pick " " swap over strcat strcat
        split " " swap strcat strcat stripspaces
        "Personal alias cleared." tell
    stripspaces set-p-aliases
    "Alias-" rot strcat
    myproploc swap rot setpropstr
: get-personal-alias (aliasname playerdbref -- aliasstr)
    over over oproploc "Alias-" rot strcat getpropstr
    dup if rot rot pop pop exit then
    pop over over int intostr "Alias" swap strcat
    "-" strcat swap strcat
    trigger @ getlink swap over over getpropstr
    dup not if pop pop pop pop pop "" exit then
    rot rot remove_prop
    swap pop over swap set-personal-alias
: get-global-alias (aliasname -- aliasstr)
    trigger @ getlink "AliasGlobal-"
    rot strcat getpropstr
: set-global-alias (aliasname aliasstr -- )
    over get-global-alias
    me @ "w" flag? not and
    me @ trigger @ getlink owner dbcmp not and
    "GlobalOwn-" 4 pick strcat
    trigger @ getlink swap getpropstr
    me @ int intostr stringcmp and if
        "Permission denied." tell
        pop pop exit
    (aliasname aliasstr)
    dup not if
        "GlobalOwn-" 3 pick strcat
        trigger @ getlink swap remove_prop
    (aliasname aliasstr)
    swap tolower dup strlen
    10 > if 10 strcut pop then
    swap get-g-aliases
    " " swap over strcat strcat
    over if
        ( Line #888 in pre-cpp source )
        dup 4 pick " " swap over strcat strcat
        instr not if " " strcat 3 pick strcat then
        "Global alias set." tell
        3 pick " " swap over strcat strcat
        split " " swap strcat strcat stripspaces
        "Global alias cleared." tell
    stripspaces set-g-aliases
    "GlobalOwn-" 3 pick strcat
    trigger @ getlink swap
    me @ int intostr setpropstr
    "AliasGlobal-" rot strcat
    trigger @ getlink swap rot setpropstr
: get-alias (aliasname playerdbref -- aliasstr)
    over swap get-personal-alias
    dup not if
        pop get-global-alias
    else swap pop
( *** END PROPS ON PROG *** )
: getday ( -- int)
    systime dup 86400 % 86400 + time 60 * + 60 * + - 86400 % - 86400 /
: setday ( int -- )
    #0 "day" "" 4 pick addprop
    trigger @ getlink "day" rot "" swap addprop
: gettime ( -- int )
    time 60 * + 60 * +
: get-timestr ( -- timestr)
    time rot pop ":"
    rot dup intostr
    swap 10 < if "0" swap strcat then
    strcat over 11 > if
        "pm" strcat swap 12 - swap
        "am" strcat
    swap dup not if pop 12 then
    intostr swap strcat
( *** end of routines for getting and setting properties *** )
( alias listing stuff )
: list-p-aliases-loop (playerdbref aliasesstr -- )
    dup not if pop pop exit then
    " " split swap dup 4 pick get-personal-alias
    " -- " swap strcat over 10 fillspace swap strcat
    strcat tell
: list-personal-aliases ( - )
    "  Personal Aliases List" tell
    "Alias Name -- Alias Expansion" tell
    "----------    --------------------------------------------------" tell
    me @ get-p-aliases sort-stringwords list-p-aliases-loop
: list-g-aliases-loop (aliasesstr -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    " " split swap dup get-global-alias
    " -- " swap strcat over 10 fillspace swap strcat
    strcat tell
: list-global-aliases ( - )
    "   Global Aliases List" tell
    "Alias Name -- Alias Expansion" tell
    "----------    --------------------------------------------------" tell
    get-g-aliases sort-stringwords list-g-aliases-loop
: list-matching-aliases-loop (matchstr aliasesstr -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    " " split swap dup me @ get-alias
    " -- " swap strcat over 10 fillspace swap strcat strcat
    dup " " swap over strcat strcat tolower
    4 pick " " swap over strcat strcat
    instr not if pop else tell then
: list-matching-aliases (namestr -- )
  "Aliases containing the name \"" over strcat "\"" strcat tell
  "Alias Name -- Alias Expansion" tell
  "----------    --------------------------------------------------" tell
  tolower get-g-aliases " " strcat get-p-aliases strcat
  sort-stringwords list-matching-aliases-loop
( misc simple routines )
: single-space (s -- s') (strips all multiple spaces down to a single space)
    dup "  " instr not if exit then
    " " "  " subst single-space
: comma-format (string -- formattedstring)
    stripspaces single-space
    ", " " " subst
    dup ", " rinstr dup if
        1 - strcut 2 strcut
        swap pop " and "
        swap strcat strcat
    else pop
: popn (dbrefrange -- )
    dup if 1 - popn then pop
: stringmatch? (str cmpstr #charsmin-- bool)
    rot " " split pop rot rot
    swap over strcut swap
    4 rotate 4 rotate strcut rot rot
    stringcmp if pop pop 0 exit then
    swap over strlen strcut pop
    stringcmp not
( simple player matching )
: player-match? (playername -- [dbref] succ?)
    me @ pennies 0 < if
        "You've run out of pennies to page with!"
        tell pop -1 exit
    .pmatch dup if 1 else pop 0 then
: partial-match-loop (dbrefrange playername dbref -- dbref)
    3 pick not if swap pop swap pop exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate
    dup name
    (dbrefrange playername matched dbref name)
    4 pick strlen strcut pop
    4 pick stringcmp not if
        over over dbcmp
        3 pick not or if swap pop
        else pop pop #-2
    else pop
    rot 1 - rot rot
( Does anyone really read these comments in the code? )
: partial-match ( playername -- [dbref] succ? )
    online dup 2 + rotate #-1 partial-match-loop
    dup int 0 > if 1 else pop 0 then
: cull-loop (strings count nullstr -- string')
    over not if swap pop exit then
    over 6 > if rot pop swap 1 - swap cull-loop exit then
    rot dup if " " strcat strcat else pop then
    swap 1 - swap cull-loop
: cullto5words (string -- string')
    single-space stripspaces
    " " explode "" cull-loop
: match-lastpagers (partname playerdbref -- [dbref] success?)
    over strlen 3 < if pop pop 0 exit then
    getlastpagers stripspaces
    " " swap strcat dup tolower
    " " 4 rotate strcat tolower instr
    dup not if pop pop 0 exit then
    strcut swap pop " " split pop
: update-lastpagers (fullname playerdbref -- )
    dup getlastpagers stripspaces
    " " swap over strcat strcat
    " " 4 rotate over strcat strcat
    over tolower over tolower instr not if
        1 strcut swap pop strcat
        cullto5words swap setlastpagers
        pop pop pop
( Probably not.  *gryn* )
( FEEP! )
: feep-loop (count mynum -- )
    swap 1 + swap
    read dup number? not if
        "Quitting the page #feep game!  Bye!"
        tell pop pop pop exit
    atoi over over = if
        "You guessed it in " 4 pick intostr strcat
        " guesses! Game over." strcat tell
        pop pop pop exit
    over over > if pop "Higher." tell feep-loop exit then
    over over < if pop "Lower." tell feep-loop exit then
: do-feep ( -- )
    "Welcome to page #feep!  I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1024. "
    "Try to guess it!  To play, just enter numbers, and I'll tell you higher "
    "or lower.  To quit at any time, type any non number like 'quit' or 'end'."
    "  Enjoy!"  strcat strcat strcat tell 0 random 1024 % 1 + feep-loop
( remember stuff )
: extract-player-loop (<range> str playername -- string)
    3 pick not if pop swap pop exit then
    4 rotate dup if
        over over stringcmp not if pop
            rot dup if " " strcat then
            swap strcat swap
    else pop
    rot 1 - rot rot extract-player-loop
: extract-player (playername string -- string')
    single-space " " explode dup 2 + rotate
    "" swap extract-player-loop
: remember-pager (playerdbref -- )
    me @ name over setlastpager
    me @ name over update-lastpagers
    me @ getlastpaged
    over name swap extract-player
    swap setlastpagedgroup
: remember-pagee (player[s] -- player[s])
    dup not if        (is a player specified?)
        pop me @      (if not, use last player paged...)
        single-space  (...otherwise, use the player given...)
( ignore stuff )
: ignored?       (playerdbref -- ignored?)
    me @ int intostr
    " " strcat " #" swap
    strcat instr
: ignoring?       (playerdbref -- ignored?)
    int intostr " " strcat
    me @ getignorestr
    " #" rot strcat instr
: ignore-dbref (dbref -- )
    int intostr " " strcat
    " #" swap strcat
    me @ getignorestr
    swap over over instr not
    if strcat else pop then
    me @ setignorestr
: unignore-dbref (dbref -- )
    int intostr " " strcat
    " #" swap strcat
    me @ getignorestr
    swap split strcat
    me @ setignorestr
: check-ignored-dbref (dbref -- player?)
    dup player? not if
        unignore-dbref 0
        pop 1
: list-ignored-loop (str ignorestr -- str)
    dup not if pop sort-stringwords " " strcat exit then
    " " split swap 1 strcut
    swap pop atoi dbref
    dup check-ignored-dbref if
        name " " strcat
        rot strcat swap
    else pop
: list-ignored ( -- string)
    "" me @ getignorestr
    stripspaces single-space
( priority stuff )
: priority?   (playerdbref -- priority?)
    me @ int intostr
    " " strcat " #" swap
    strcat instr
: priority-dbref (dbref -- )
    int intostr " " strcat
    " #" swap strcat
    me @ getprioritystr
    swap over over instr not
    if strcat else pop then
    me @ setprioritystr
: unpriority-dbref (dbref -- )
    int intostr " " strcat
    " #" swap strcat
    me @ getprioritystr
    swap split strcat
    me @ setprioritystr
: check-priority-dbref (dbref -- player?)
    dup player? not if
        unpriority-dbref 0
        pop 1
: list-priority-loop (str prioritystr -- str)
    dup not if pop sort-stringwords " " strcat exit then
    " " split swap 1 strcut
    swap pop atoi dbref
    dup check-priority-dbref if
        name " " strcat
        rot strcat swap
    else pop
: list-priority ( -- string)
    "" me @ getprioritystr
    stripspaces single-space
( page stuff )
: havened?  (playerdbref -- haven?)
    "haven" flag?
: pagepose? (string -- bool)
    dup strlen 1 > if
        2 strcut pop
        dup ":" 1 strncmp not if
          1 strcut swap pop
          " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,':*"
          swap instr
        else pop 0
    else pop 0
: page-me-inform (message -- )
    page_echo? if         (does sender not want to see the echo?)
        tell (if not, show constructed string to sender)
        pop              (else, pop the string off the stack)
        "Your message has been sent."
: page-them-inform (message dbref format to -- )
    3 pick name "you" swap subst -4 rotate
    over page_standard? dup 1 = if
        pop over get-prepend
        over over strlen strcut pop
        stringcmp if
            over get-prepend
            " " strcat swap strcat
        2 = if
            get_opose over stringcmp if
                pop dup get-standard
                pop dup get-standard
                "%n %m" "%m" subst
    3 pick " " split pop
    1 strcut strlen 3 <
    over not if swap pop " " swap then
    ".,?!:' " rot instr and
    if "%n%m" "%n %m" subst then
    me @ name "%n" subst (do name substitution for %n in format string)
    me @ location
    name "%l" subst      (do location of sender sub for %l in format string)
    4 rotate "%t" subst  (subst in the to line for %t)
    dup "%w" instr if
        "%w" subst
    "%%m" "%m" subst
    "%%m" "%M" subst     (keep %m from being pronoun_subbed)
    me @ swap pronoun_sub (do pronoun subs for %o, %p, %r, %s in format str)
                          (using sender's pronoun subs)
    rot "%m" subst       (do message sub for %m in format string)
    notify               (show constructed string to receiver)
( mail stuff  )
: mail-unparse-mesg (mesgstr -- player time mesg)
    ( "#dbref day@hh:mm:ss Cencryptedmesg" )
    " " split swap
    dup "#" 1 strncmp not if
        1 strcut swap pop
        atoi dbref name swap
        "@" split swap
        atoi getday swap -
        dup not if
            pop "Today at "
        else dup 1 = if
            pop "Yesterday at "
                intostr " days ago at " strcat
        swap " " split rot rot
        ":" split swap atoi
        dup 11 > if 12 - "PM" else "AM" then
        rot swap strcat swap
        dup not if pop 12 then
        intostr ":" strcat swap strcat strcat
        dup "C" 1 strncmp not if
            1 strcut swap pop
            dup "D" 1 strncmp not if
                1 strcut swap pop
                me @ int swap crypt2
        swap 3 strcut swap pop ") -- " split
        swap ":" split swap atoi
        dup 11 > if 12 - "PM" else "AM" then
        rot swap strcat swap
        dup not if pop 12 then
        intostr ":" strcat swap strcat
        "Unknown day at " swap strcat swap
: mail-read ( -- )
    me @ mail-count 0 > if
        me @ mail-get mail-read
        ") -- " swap strcat strcat
        " (" swap strcat strcat
: mail-send (message player -- )
    dup mail-count 40 < not if
        name "'s page-mail box is full." strcat tell pop
        dup "You sense that you have new page-mail from " me @ name strcat
        ".  Use 'page #mail' to read." strcat notify
        "#" me @ int intostr strcat " " strcat
        getday intostr strcat "@" strcat
        time intostr ":" strcat
        swap dup intostr ":" strcat swap 10 < if "0" swap strcat then strcat
        swap dup intostr swap 10 < if "0" swap strcat then strcat
        (message player string)
        " D" strcat over int 4 rotate crypt2
        strcat mail-add
        ( "#dbref day@hh:mm:ss Cencryptedmesg" )
( player getting stuff )
: get-playerdbrefs  (count nullstr playersstr -- dbref_range unrecstr)
    dup not if pop sort-stringwords exit then
    " " split swap
    dup "(" 1 strncmp not if
        " " strcat swap strcat
        ")" split swap pop stripspaces
        get-playerdbrefs exit
    dup "#" 1 strncmp not if
        dup 1 strcut swap pop
        dup number? if
            atoi dbref dup ok? if
                dup player? if
                    swap pop 4 rotate 1 +
                    -4 rotate -4 rotate
                    get-playerdbrefs exit
                else pop
            else pop
        else pop
    dup "*" 1 strncmp not if
        1 strcut swap pop me @
        get-alias " " strcat
        swap strcat single-space
        get-playerdbrefs exit
    dup player-match? dup -1 = if
        pop pop pop
        stripspaces exit
    0 > if
        swap pop 4 rotate
        1 + -4 rotate -4 rotate
        dup me @ get-alias dup if
            swap pop " " strcat
            swap strcat single-space
        else pop
            dup partial-match
            dup -1 = if
                pop pop pop stripspaces exit
            then if
                swap pop 4 rotate 1 +
                -4 rotate -4 rotate
                "\"" swap strcat
                "\" " strcat rot
                swap strcat swap
: refs2names  (dbrefrange count nullstr -- dbrefrange namestr)
    over not if swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate dup -5 rotate
    name strcat " " strcat
    swap 1 - swap refs2names
: remove-sleepers (dbrefrange count nullstr -- dbrefrange sleeperstr)
    over not if swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate dup awake? if
        -4 rotate
        dup get-sleepmsg dup if
            "Sleeping message for "
            rot name strcat ": " strcat
            swap strcat me @ swap notify
            pop name " " strcat strcat
        rot 1 - rot rot
    swap 1 - swap remove-sleepers
: remove-non-erasees (dbrefrange count nullstr -- dbrefrange non-erasestr)
    over not if swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate dup mail-erase if
        -4 rotate
        name " " strcat strcat
        rot 1 - rot rot
    swap 1 - swap remove-non-erasees
: remove-nopagers (dbrefrange count nullstr -- dbrefrange nopagestr)
    over not if swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate dup havened? not over priority? or if
        -4 rotate
        dup page_inform? if
            dup "You sense that " me @ name strcat
            " tried to page you, but you are set havened."
            strcat notify
        dup get-havenmsg dup if
            "Haven message for "
            rot name strcat ": " strcat
            swap strcat me @ swap notify
            pop name " " strcat strcat
        rot 1 - rot rot
    swap 1 - swap remove-nopagers
: remove-ignoring (dbrefrange count nullstr -- dbrefrange ignoringstr)
    over not if swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate dup ignored? not if
        -4 rotate
        dup page_inform? if
            dup me @ name
            " tried to page you, but you are ignoring them."
            strcat notify
        dup get-ignoremsg dup if
            "Ignore message for "
            rot name strcat ": " strcat
            swap strcat me @ swap notify
            pop name " " strcat strcat
        rot 1 - rot rot
    swap 1 - swap remove-ignoring
: remove-maxers (dbrefrange count count nullstr -- dbrefrange ignoringstr)
    over not if swap pop swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    4 pick 4 + rotate dup get-multimax 5 pick < not over priority? or if
        -5 rotate
        dup page_inform? if
            dup me @ name
            " tried to include you in too large of a multi-page."
            strcat notify
        name " " strcat strcat
        4 rotate 1 - -4 rotate
    swap 1 - swap remove-maxers
: remove-nonwiz (dbrefrange count nullstr -- dbrefrange sleeperstr)
    over not if swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate dup "wizard" flag? if
        -4 rotate
        name " " strcat strcat
        rot 1 - rot rot
    swap 1 - swap remove-nonwiz
: list-ignored-pagees (dbrefrange count nullstr -- dbrefrange ignoringstr)
    over not if swap pop sort-stringwords exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate dup ignoring? not if
        -4 rotate
        dup -5 rotate
        name " " strcat strcat
    swap 1 - swap list-ignored-pagees
: do-getplayers (players -- dbrefrange)
    stripspaces single-space
    0 "" rot get-playerdbrefs
    dup if
        comma-format dup " " instr
        "I don't recognize the player"
        swap if "s" strcat then
        " named " strcat swap strcat
    else pop
: do-sleepers (dbrefrange -- dbrefrange')
    dup "" remove-sleepers
    dup if
        comma-format dup " " instr
        if " are " else " is " then
        "currently asleep." strcat
        strcat tell
        "You can leave page-mail with 'page #mail <plyrs>=<msg>'"
    else pop
: do-erasees (dbrefrange -- dbrefrange')
    dup "" remove-non-erasees
    dup if
        " didn't have any messages from you."
        strcat tell
    else pop
: do-nopagers (dbrefrange -- dbrefrange')
    dup "" remove-nopagers
    dup if
        comma-format dup " " instr
        if " are " else " is " then
        "currently not accepting pages."
        strcat strcat tell
    else pop
: do-ignoring (dbrefrange -- dbrefrange')
    dup "" remove-ignoring
    dup if
        comma-format dup " " instr
        if " are " else " is " then
        "currently ignoring you."
        strcat strcat tell
    else pop
: do-nonwiz (dbrefrange -- dbrefrange')
    dup "" remove-nonwiz
    dup if
        comma-format dup " " instr if
          " are not wizards."
          " is not a wizard."
        strcat tell
    else pop
: do-maxers ( dbrefrange -- dbrefrange' )
    dup dup "" remove-maxers
    dup if
        comma-format dup " " instr
        if " don't " else " doesn't " then
        "want to be included in multi-pages to that many people."
        strcat strcat tell
    else pop
: do-list-ignored-pagees (dbrefrange -- dbrefrange')
    dup "" list-ignored-pagees
    dup if
        comma-format dup " " instr
        if " are " else " is " then
        "currently ignored by you."
        strcat strcat tell
    else pop
: get-valid-pagees (players -- dbrefrange players')
    me @ name "Guest" stringcmp not if do-nonwiz then
    dup "" refs2names
( each stuff )
: page-toeach (dbrefrange to message -- )
    3 pick not if pop pop pop exit then
    3 pick 3 + rotate over swap
    (refrange to mesg mesg dbref)
    dup remember-pager
    me @ swap get-oformat-prop
    (refrange to mesg mesg dbref format)
    5 pick page-them-inform
    rot 1 - rot rot page-toeach
: summon-toeach (dbrefrange -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    dup 1 + rotate
    dup remember-pager
    "You sense that " me @ name strcat
    " is looking for you in " strcat
    me @ location name strcat
    over me @ location owner dbcmp if
      me @ location intostr
      "(#" swap strcat ")" strcat strcat
    "." strcat notify
    1 - summon-toeach
: mail-toeach (dbrefrange message -- )
    over not if pop pop exit then
    over 2 + rotate
    over swap mail-send
    swap 1 - swap mail-toeach
: mail-do-forwards (dbrefrange message -- )
    over not if pop pop exit then
    swap 1 - swap
    over 3 + rotate
    dup get-forward dup if
        do-getplayers dup if
            dup "" remove-ignoring pop
            dup 2 + rotate name
            "(Orig. to " swap strcat
            ") " strcat
            over 3 + pick strcat
        else pop 1 3 pick
    else pop 1 3 pick
: check-each (dbrefrange -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    dup 1 + rotate
    dup name " has " strcat
    over mail-count
    dup not if
      pop "no messages" strcat
      dup 1 = if
        pop "1 message" strcat
        intostr strcat
        " messages" strcat
    " waiting." strcat
    over mail-count if
        "  Oldest is dated " strcat swap
        oproploc dup "_page/mail" "#/1" strcat getpropstr
        dup not if
            swap "_page/mail"
            "1" strcat getpropstr
        swap pop mail-unparse-mesg
        pop swap pop strcat "." strcat
    else swap pop
    1 - check-each
: ignore-each (dbrefrange -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    swap ignore-dbref
    1 - ignore-each
: unignore-each (dbrefrange -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    swap unignore-dbref
    1 - unignore-each
: priority-each (dbrefrange -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    swap priority-dbref
    1 - priority-each
: unpriority-each (dbrefrange -- )
    dup not if pop exit then
    swap unpriority-dbref
    1 - unpriority-each
( multi stuff )
: multi-page (message player -- )
    dup if
        (message dbrefrange playerstr)
        dup me @ setlastpaged comma-format
        (message dbrefrange playerstr)
        over 3 + rotate
        (dbrefrange playerstr message)
        dup me @ get-curr-format
        (derefrange plyrstr mesg mesg formatname)
        (derefrange plyrstr mesg mesg format)
        over " " split pop
        1 strcut strlen 3 <
        over not if swap pop " " swap then
        ".,?!:' " rot instr and
        if "%i%m" "%i %m" subst then
        (derefrange plyrstr mesg mesg format)
        4 pick "%n" subst
        (derefrange plyrstr mesg mesg format)
        dup "%w" instr if
            "%w" subst
        me @ name "%i" subst
        (derefrange plyrstr mesg mesg format)
        swap "%m" subst
        (derefrange plyrstr mesg format)
        page-me-inform page-toeach
        me @ havened? if
            "You are currently set haven."
    else pop pop pop
: multi-summon (player -- )
    dup if
        dup me @ setlastpaged comma-format
        "You sent your summons to "
        swap strcat "." strcat
        page-me-inform summon-toeach
        me @ havened? if
            "You are currently set haven."
    else pop pop
: multi-ping (player -- )
    dup if
        dup me @ setlastpaged
        "You can page to "
        swap strcat "." strcat
        page-me-inform popn
        me @ havened? if
            "You are currently set haven."
    else pop pop
: multi-mail (mesg names -- )
    dup "" refs2names
    ( mesg {dbref_range} names )
    dup if
        dup me @ setlastpaged
        over 3 + rotate dup pagepose? if
            1 strcut swap pop
            dup " " split pop
            1 strcut strlen 3 <
            over not if swap pop " " swap then
            ".?!,': " rot instr and
            not if " " swap strcat then
            me @ name swap strcat
        swap comma-format
        "You page-mail \"" 3 pick strcat
        "\" to " strcat over strcat "." strcat tell
        dup " " instr if
            "(to " swap strcat ")" strcat strcat
        else pop
        me @ havened? if
            "You are currently set haven."
: multi-check
    dup if
: multi-erase (player -- )
    dup "" refs2names
    dup if
        "You erased your last message to "
        swap strcat "." strcat
        page-me-inform popn
    else pop pop
: multi-ignore (players -- )
    dup "" refs2names
    "Adding " swap strcat
    " to your ignore list."
    strcat tell ignore-each
: multi-unignore (players -- )
    dup "" refs2names
    "Removing " swap strcat
    " from your ignore list."
    strcat tell unignore-each
: multi-priority (players -- )
    dup "" refs2names
    "Adding " swap strcat
    " to your priority list."
    strcat tell priority-each
: multi-unpriority (players -- )
    dup "" refs2names
    "Removing " swap strcat
    " from your priority list."
    strcat tell unpriority-each
(  _______
  {__|__  \
( help stuff )
: show-help-list
    dup not if pop exit then
    dup 1 + rotate tell
    1 - show-help-list
: show-changes
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "   Changes" strcat
"v2.40  7/13/92  Modded to use propdirs and assume FB server."
"v2.35  3/31/92  Made page-posing more intelligent with regards to spacing."
"v2.34  2/ 5/92  Make lastpaged/r/group encrypted.  Improved encryptions."
"                 Added partial name matching for last five pagers."
"v2.32  1/22/92  Added #lookup <player> to list aliases w/ them in them."
"v2.31 10/31/91  Summoning now gives room# if pagee owns room pager is in."
"v2.30 10/12/91  Added #priority for letting players page you despite haven."
"v2.29 10/11/91  Added #sleepmsg, #haven and #ignore messages."
"v2.26 10/10/91  Fixed #multimax probs, and made #mail remember last paged."
"v2.25  9/ 6/91  Fixed #proploc page-mail copying problem.  Added #multimax."
"-- Type 'page #help' to see more info on each command.  \"feeps 4-ever!\" --"
13 show-help-list
(  old changes:
"v2.23  8/21/91  Added #erase for erasing messages mistakenly #mailed."
"v2.22  6/20/91  Added #inform.  Various bugfixes and security fixes."
"v2.20  6/17/91  Made #proploc work with p-aliases.  Added 'page &<alias>'"
"                 Fixed aliases to work with dbrefs and ignore stuff in parens"
"v2.18  6/14/91  Made it sort all multiple name outputs alphabetically."
"v2.17  6/12/91  Added sorting to alias listing."
"v2.16  6/11/91  Made small formatting fixes.  Moved p-aliases to player"
"v2.15  5/27/91  Made paging of multiple ignored players list on one line."
"v2.14  5/21/91  Added %w oformat sub for time.  Made all functions that"
"                 take player arguments work with page-again feature. Added"
"                 #time to tell the current time.  Helpful with %w's"
"v2.11  5/20/91  Added #proploc and made #ignore work on page-mail."
"v2.09  5/16/91  Added #check to see if a player has page-mail waiting."
"v2.08  5/16/91  Made page-mail use encryption, and disallowed multi-page"
"                 usage by the Guest character.  Added update notification."
"v2.05  5/ 9/91  Added %t substitution for #oformats to list all paged to."
"v2.04  5/ 9/91  Added #forward, and day stamping in page-mail."
"v2.02  5/ 1/91  Added #credits and fixed a problem with paging when broke."
"v2.00  4/27/91  Removed #pose, #opose, #page, #opage and replaced them with"
"                 #format,  #oformat and 'page !<format> <plyrs>=<msg>'."
20 )
: show-credits
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "   " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat "   Credits" strcat
"The following people, through questions, comments, or suggestions gave me"
"the ideas for the following features:  (in alphabetical order)"
"  Ashtoreth:    disallowing Guest multi-paging, #inform"
"  auzzie:       #ignore, formats, #haven, #ping, #help, #credits"
"  Bruce:        #mail"
"  Chris:        informing when you are haven, or page an ignored player"
"  ChupChup:     #echo, #standard, using /lib/cpp"
"  darkfox:      various coding ideas, %w subs, and being a kooshball target"
"  Erych:        encryption of page-mail"
"  fur:          Made all player arg commands work with page-again"
"  Gazer:        The shell sort routines. (he wrote the code)"
"  Jack_Salem:   #erasing of mistakenly sent page-mail"
"  Karrejanshi:  showing room numbers in summons when pagee owns room."
"  Lunatic:      single line messages for multiple people."
"  Lynn_Onyx:    page #mail security loophole fix.  #priority"
"  Miller:       #check"
"  Platypus_Bob: #prepending formats, #standard formats"
"  Siegfried:    disallowing Guest use of #commands.  dbrefs in aliases."
"  Snooze:       debugging help with paging without pennies"
"  tk:           global and personal multi-person aliases"
"  Tugrik:       multiple selectable formats"
"And this leaves only multi-player paging, #version, #changes, #hints,"
"#index and page-posing as completely my own ideas that no-one else"
"suggested I add into it.  Oh yes... and #feep."
26 show-help-list
: show-index
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "   " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat "   Index" strcat
"Aliases            2,A               Multimax              2    "
"Changes            1                 Oformats              3,A,B"
"Echo               3                 Page format           A,B  "
"Erase              1                 Pose format           A,B  "
"Formatted          3                 Paging                1    "
"Formats            3,A               Pinging               2    "
"Forwarding         3                 Posing                1,B  "
"Global aliases     2,A               Prepend               3,B  "
"Haven              2                 Proploc               3,B  "
"Help               1,2,3             Repaging              1    "
"Hints              1,A,B             Replying              1    "
"Ignoring           2                 Sleepmsg              2    "
"Inform             3                 Standard              3    "
"Mailing            1                 Summoning             1    "
"Mail-checking      3                 Version               1    "
"Multi-paging       1                 Who                   1    "
"--  1 = page #help      2 = page #help2      3 = page #help3  --"
"--  A = page #hints     B = page #hints2                      --"
20 show-help-list
: show-help
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "   " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat "   Page1" strcat
"To give your location to another player:     'page <player>'"
"To send a message to another player:         'page <player> = <message>'"
"To send a pose style page to a player:       'page <player> = :<pose>'"
"To page multiple people:                     'page <plyr> <plyr> [= <msg>]'"
"To send another mesg to the last players:    'page = <message>'"
"To send your loc to the last players paged:  'page'"
"To send a message in a different format:     'page !<fmt> <plyrs> = <msg>'"
"To reply to a page sent to you:              'page #r [= <message>]'"
"To reply to all the people in a multi-page:  'page #R [= <message>]'"
"To leave a page-mail message for someone:    'page #mail <players>=<mesg>'"
"To read all page-mail messages left for you: 'page #mail'"
"To erase a message you sent to a player:     'page #erase <players>'"
"To list who you last paged, who last"
"  paged you, and who you are ignoring:       'page #who'"
"To display what version this program is:     'page #version'"
"To display the latest program changes:       'page #changes'"
"To show who all helped with this program:    'page #credits'"
"To display an index of commands:             'page #index'"
"To display the next help screen:             'page #help2'"
"-- Words in <gt; are parameters.  Parameters in [] are optional. --"
3 +
: show-help2
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "  " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat "  Page2" strcat
"To test if you can page a player:          'page #ping <players>'"
"To refuse pages from specific players:     'page #ignore <players>'"
"To set the mesg all ignored players see:   'page #ignore [<plyrs>]=<mesg>'"
"To accept pages from a player again:       'page #!ignore <player>'"
"To let players page you despite haven:     'page #priority <players>'"
"To remove players from your priority list: 'page #!priority <players>'"
"To page a group of people in an alias:     'page *<aliasname> = <message>'"
"To set a personal page alias:              'page #alias <alias>=<players>'"
"To clear a personal page alias:            'page #alias <alias>='"
"To list who is in an alias:                'page #alias <alias>'"
"To list all your personal aliases:         'page #alias'"
"To set an alias to the players last paged: 'page &<aliasname>'"
"To make an alias that everyone can use:    'page #global <alias>=<players>'"
"To clear a global page alias:              'page #global <alias>='"
"To list all the global aliases:            'page #global'"
"To list all aliases with a player in them: 'page #lookup <playername>'"
"To see the time (useful with %w subs):     'page #time'"
"To set the max# of plyrs in a page to you: 'page #multimax <max#players>'"
"To see your multimax setting:              'page #multimax'"
"To set the your 'Sleeping' message:        'page #sleepmsg <message>'"
"To clear the your 'Sleeping' message:      'page #sleepmsg #clear'"
"To display the third and last help screen: 'page #help3'"
24 show-help-list
: show-help3
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "   " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat "   Page3" strcat
"To haven yourself so you are unpagable:      'page #haven'"
"To set your 'havened' message:               'page #haven <message>'"
"To clear your 'havened' message:             'page #haven #clear'"
"To unhaven yourself so you can be paged:     'page #!haven'"
"To turn on echoing of your message:          'page #echo'"
"To turn off echoing of your message:         'page #!echo'"
"To be informed when a page to you fails:     'page #inform'"
"To be turn off failed-page informing:        'page #!inform'"
"To see another player's formatted pages:     'page #formatted'"
"To prepend a format string to other's pages: 'page #prepend'"
"To set your prepended format string:         'page #prepend <formatstr>'"
"To force other's pages to a standard format: 'page #standard'"
"To set the standard format you receive in:   'page #standard <formatstr>'"
"To set a format that you see when paging:    'page #format <fmtname>=<fmt>'"
"To set a format that others receive:         'page #oformat <fmtname>=<fmt>'"
"To forward page-mail to another player:      'page #forward <players>'"
"To stop forwarding page-mail:                'page #forward #'"
"To see who page-mail to you is forwarded to: 'page #forward'"
"To see if page-mail is waiting for a player: 'page #check [players]'"
5 rotate 4 +
"To use an object for storing page props on:  'page #proploc <object>'"
swap 1 +
: show-hints
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "   " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat "   Hints1" strcat
"All page commands can be used abbreviated to unique identifiers."
"  For example: 'page #gl' is the same as 'page #global'"
"If you page to a name it doesn't recognize, it will check to see if it is"
"  a personal alias.  If it isn't, it checks to see if it is a global alias."
"  For example: If there is a global alias 'tyg' defined as 'Tygryss', then"
"  'page tyg=test' will page 'test' to Tygryss."
"In format strings, %n will be replaced by the name of the player(s) receiv-"
"  ing the page.  %m will be replaced by the message.  %i will be replaced"
"  by your name.  %w gets replaced by the time.  These messages are what are"
"  shown to you when you page to someone."
"In oformat strings, %n will be replaced by your name, %m by the message,"
"  and %l by your location.  %t will be replaced with the names of all the"
"  people in a multi-page.  %w will be replaced with the current time."
"  These messages are what is shown to the player you are paging."
"If you have a #prepend or #standard format with a %w, it shows you the time"
"  when a player paged you."
"Use 'page #hints2' to show the next hints screen."
19 show-help-list
: show-hints2
"MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "   " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat "   Hints2" strcat
"There are two standard formats with page: the 'page' format, and the 'pose'"
"  format.  There are matching #oformats to go with them as well."
"If you really dislike having your pages that begin with colon's parsed as"
"  page-poses, then you can 'page #oformat pose=%n pages: :%m'"
"  or alternately, you can simply use 'page ! <players>=<mesg>'"
"One good way to have all the pages to you beeped and hilighted is to do:"
"  'page #prepend ##page>' and then set up the this trigger in tinyfugue:"
"  '/def -p15 -fg -t\"##page> *\" = /beep 3%;/echo %e[7m%-1%e[0m'"
"  If you want bold hilites instead, use '%e[1m' instead of '%e[7m'"
"  This only works if you have version 1.5.0 or later of tinyfugue and a"
"  vt100 terminal type."
"TinyTalk users, to make your pages always beep, use 'page #standard'"
"  Then all pages to you will be in standard page format."
"You can specify another object to store the properties used by the page"
"  program on.  To do this, type 'page #proploc <object>' where <object> 
"  is either the name (if its in the room) or dbref of the object to use."
"  #proploc will automatically copy all the page props to the new object."
: show-who-info ( -- )
    "You last paged to "
    me @ getlastpaged comma-format
    dup not if pop "no one" then
    strcat "." strcat tell
    "The last six people to page you were "
    me @ getlastpagers comma-format
    dup not if pop "no one" then
    strcat " (who paged last)." strcat tell
    me @ getlastpagedgroup comma-format
    dup if
        "The last group page also included "
        swap strcat "." strcat tell
    else pop
    "You are receiving pages in "
    me @ page_standard?
    dup 1 = if pop "prepended"
        2 = if "forced standard"
        else   "regular formatted"
    strcat " form." strcat tell
    me @ get-multimax dup 888 < if
        "You accept pages including up to "
        over intostr strcat swap 1 >
        if " people." else " player." then strcat tell
    else pop
    "You are ignoring "
    list-ignored dup not
    if pop "no one" then
    strcat "." strcat tell
    "You are giving priority to "
    list-priority dup not
    if pop "no one" then
    strcat "." strcat tell
    me @ "haven" flag? if
        "You are currently set haven, so no one can page you."
: page-main
    dup "&" 1 strncmp not if
        1 strcut swap pop
        "=" strcat me @
        getlastpaged strcat
        "#alias " swap strcat
    dup "#R" 2 strncmp not if
        2 strcut swap pop
        me @ getlastpagedgroup
        " " strcat swap strcat
        "#r" swap strcat
    dup "#r" 2 strncmp not if
        2 strcut swap pop
        me @ getlastpager
        " " strcat swap strcat
    dup "#" 1 strncmp not if   (if it begins with #, then it is a command)
        dup "#who" 2 stringmatch? if
            pop show-who-info exit
        dup "#version" 2 stringmatch? if
            pop "MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" "  " strcat "Updated 7/13/92" strcat
            tell exit
        dup "#changes" 2 stringmatch? if
            pop show-changes exit
        dup "#credits" 3 stringmatch? if
            pop show-credits exit
        dup "#index" 3 stringmatch? if
            pop show-index exit
        dup "#help" 2 stringmatch? if
            pop show-help exit
        dup  "#help2" stringcmp not
        over "#hel2" stringcmp not or
        over "#he2" stringcmp not or
        over "#h2" stringcmp not or if
            pop show-help2 exit
        dup  "#help3" stringcmp not
        over "#hel3" stringcmp not or
        over "#he3" stringcmp not or
        over "#h3" stringcmp not or if
            pop show-help3 exit
        dup "#hints" 3 stringmatch? if
            pop show-hints exit
        dup  "#hints2" stringcmp not
        over "#hint2" stringcmp not or
        over "#hin2" stringcmp not or
        over "#hi2" stringcmp not or if
            pop show-hints2 exit
        me @ name "Guest" stringcmp not if
            pop "Permission denied." tell exit
        dup "#feep" 5 stringmatch? if
            do-feep pop exit
        dup "#!haven" 3 stringmatch? if
            pop me @ "!haven" set
            "Haven bit reset."
            tell exit
        dup "#echo" 2 stringmatch? if
            pop "" set_page_echo
            "Pages now echoed." tell exit
        dup "#!echo" 3 stringmatch? if
            pop "no" set_page_echo
            "Pages now not echoed." tell exit
        dup "#inform" 3 stringmatch? if
            pop "yes" set_page_inform
            "You will now be informed of ignored page attempts."
            tell exit
        dup "#!inform" 4 stringmatch? if
            pop "" set_page_inform
            "You will no longer be informed of ignored page attempts."
            tell exit
        dup " " instr if
            " " split swap
            dup "#mail" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces dup "=" instr if
                    "=" split stripspaces swap
                    multi-mail exit
                    "page: #mail format: 'page #mail <players>=<message>'"
                    tell pop exit
            dup "#check" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop multi-check exit
            dup "#haven" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces dup
                "#clear" stringcmp not if pop "" then
                me @ set-havenmsg
                me @ "haven" set
                "Haven message and haven bit are now set." tell exit
            dup "#sleepmsg" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces dup
                "#clear" stringcmp not if pop "" then
                me @ set-sleepmsg
                "Sleep message is set." tell exit
            dup "#ignore" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces dup "=" instr if
                    "=" split stripspaces
                    swap stripspaces swap
                    me @ set-ignoremsg
                    "Ignore message is set." tell
                    dup not if pop exit then
                single-space multi-ignore exit
            dup "#!ignore" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces single-space
                multi-unignore exit
            dup "#priority" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces single-space
                multi-priority exit
            dup "#!priority" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces single-space
                multi-unpriority exit
            dup "#format" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop dup "=" instr if
                    "=" split stripspaces swap
                    stripspaces single-space
                    "_" " " subst
                    me @ swap rot
                    "Format set." tell
                    stripspaces dup
                    me @ swap get-format-prop
                    swap "' set to \"" strcat
                    swap strcat "\"" strcat
                    "Format '" swap strcat tell
                then exit
            dup "#oformat" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop dup "=" instr if
                    "=" split stripspaces swap
                    stripspaces single-space
                    "_" " " subst
                    me @ swap rot
                    "Oformat set." tell
                    stripspaces dup
                    me @ swap get-oformat-prop
                    swap "' set to \"" strcat
                    swap strcat "\"" strcat
                    "Oformat '" swap strcat tell
                then exit
            dup "#alias" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop dup "=" instr if
                    "=" split single-space
                    stripspaces swap
                    stripspaces single-space
                    dup not if
                        "page: #alias: Alias name cannot be null"
                        tell pop pop exit
                    "_" " " subst swap
                    stripspaces dup me @
                    get-alias "Alias \"" rot
                    strcat "\" expands to \""
                    strcat swap strcat "\""
                    strcat tell
                then exit
            dup "#global" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop "=" split stripspaces single-space
                swap stripspaces single-space
                dup not if
                    "page: #global: Alias name cannot be null"
                    tell pop pop exit
                "_" " " subst swap
                set-global-alias exit
            dup "#lookup" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop single-space stripspaces
                "Done." tell exit
            dup "#forward" 4 stringmatch? if
                pop single-space
                dup "#" strcmp not if
                    pop "" "Page-mail forwarding cleared."
                    "Page-mail forwarding set."
                then tell set-forward exit
            dup "#erase" 4 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces single-space
                multi-erase exit
            dup "#multimax" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces atoi
                me @ set-multimax
                "Multi-max set." tell exit
            dup "#standard" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop me @ set-standard
                "yes" set_page_standard
                "Page standard format set."
                tell exit
            dup "#prepended" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop me @ set-prepend
                "prepend" set_page_standard
                "Page prepend format set."
                tell exit
            dup "#ping" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop stripspaces
                multi-ping exit
            dup "#proploc" 4 stringmatch? if
                pop do-proplock-set exit
            dup "#mail" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop mail-read "Done." tell exit
            dup "#check" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop me @ name multi-check exit
            dup "#haven" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop me @ "haven" set
                "Haven bit set." tell
                "Your haven message is \""
                me @ get-havenmsg strcat
                "\"" strcat tell exit
            dup "#sleepmsg" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop "Your sleep message is \""
                me @ get-sleepmsg strcat
                "\"" strcat tell exit
            dup "#ignore" 2 stringmatch? if
                "You are currently ignoring "
                list-ignored dup not
                if pop "no one" then
                strcat "." strcat
                tell pop "Your ignore message is \""
                me @ get-ignoremsg strcat "\"" strcat
                me @ swap notify exit
            dup "#!ignore" 3 stringmatch? if
                "" me @ setignorestr
                "You are now ignoring no one."
                tell pop exit
            dup "#priority" 2 stringmatch? if
                "You are currently prioritizing "
                list-priority dup not
                if pop "no one" then
                strcat "." strcat
                tell pop exit
            dup "#!priority" 3 stringmatch? if
                "" me @ setprioritystr
                "You are now prioritizing no one."
                tell pop exit
            dup "#time" 2 stringmatch? if
                pop "The time is: "
                get-timestr strcat
                tell exit
            dup "#alias" 2 stringmatch? if
                "Done." tell exit
            dup "#global" 2 stringmatch? if
                "Done." tell exit
            dup "#lookup" 3 stringmatch? if
                "Syntax: page #lookup <name>"
                tell exit
            dup "#formatted" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop "" set_page_standard
                "Pages now received in formatted form."
                tell exit
            dup "#multimax" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop me @ get-multimax
                "You currently accept pages including up to "
                over intostr strcat swap 1 >
                if " people." else " player." then strcat
                tell exit
            dup "#oformat" 3 stringmatch? if
                "Bad #oformat syntax.  Type 'page #help3' for more help."
                tell pop exit
            dup "#forward" 4 stringmatch? if
                pop me @ get-forward comma-format
                dup if
                    "You currently forward page-mail to "
                    swap strcat "." strcat
                    pop "You aren't currently forwarding page-mail."
                then tell exit
            dup "#standard" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop "yes" set_page_standard
                "Pages now received in the standard form '"
                me @ get-standard strcat "'" strcat
                tell exit
            dup "#prepended" 3 stringmatch? if
                pop "prepend" set_page_standard
                "Pages now received prepended with '"
                me @ get-prepend strcat "'" strcat
                tell exit
            dup "#setup" 3 stringmatch? if
                trigger @ "_page/formats/page"
                "You page, \"%m\" to %n."  setpropstr
                trigger @ "_page/formats/opage"
                "%n pages, \"%m\" to %t." setpropstr
                trigger @ "_page/formats/pose"
                "You page-pose, \"%i %m\" to %n"  setpropstr
                trigger @ "_page/formats/opose"
                "In a page-pose to %t, %n %m" setpropstr
                "Setup done." tell pop exit
            dup "#proploc" 4 stringmatch? if
                pop "Syntax: page #proploc <object>" tell exit
        "page: Syntax error: " swap strcat tell
        "Type \"page #help\" for help." tell exit
    dup "=" instr not if
        stripspaces single-space
        me @ name "Guest" stringcmp not if
            dup " " instr if
                " " split pop
                "Guests are not allowed to use multi-page." tell
        multi-summon      (do a summons page)
        "=" split
        dup pagepose? if
            1 strcut swap pop
            "pose" set-curr-format
            "page" set-curr-format
        swap stripspaces single-space
        dup "!" 1 strncmp not if
            " " split swap
            1 strcut swap pop
            dup not if pop "page" then
        me @ name "Guest" stringcmp not if
            dup " " instr if
                " " split pop
                "Guests are not allowed to use multi-page." tell
        multi-page        (do a message page)
: main
    getday setday
    me @ mail-count 0 > if
        "You have " me @ mail-count intostr strcat
        " page-mail messages waiting.  Use 'page #mail' to read."
        strcat tell
    get-lastversion "MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" strcmp if
"Page has been upgraded.  Type 'page #changes' to see the latest mods." tell
        get-lastversion dup if
            "You last used " swap strcat tell
        else pop
        "MUFpage v2.40 by Foxen" set-lastversion
@set cmd-page=w
@action page;pag;pa;p=#0=tmp/exit1
@link $tmp/exit1=cmd-page
page #setup
/sub on