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2.1.1 Protected, Restricted, and Wizard Props

Property handling is governed by a system of privileges, though in most cases this will be transparent to the user: you will usually be able to set the properties you want without even being aware that the server is checking to see if you're allowed to do so. Besides `normal' props, there are three classes of priviledged properties: protected, restricted, and wizard. The class of a property or propdir is determined by the first character in its name. A prop or propdir beginning with an _ underscore, % percent sign, or . period is `protected'. A prop or propdir beginning with a ~ tilde is `restricted'. A prop or propdir beginning with an @ at-mark is `wizard'. If the prop or propdir begins with any other character, it is `normal' or `unprotected'. (Note: the `first character' restriction applies to any property or propdir. So, @email, @/email, and data/personal/@email are all wizard props: each includes a prop or propdir that begins with an @ at-mark.)

Properties beginning with a an _ underscore can only be written to by the owner of the object on which the property is stored, or by programs owned by the owner, or by programs running at M3 or W.

Properties beginning with a . period can only be written to or read by the owner of the object on which the property is stored, or by programs owned by the owner, or by programs running at M3 or W.

Properties beginning with a % percent sign, like _ underscore properties, can only be written to by the owner or by programs owned by the owner. The % percent sign properties have the additional function of over-riding pronoun and name substitutions. For example, if Jessy does @set me = %n:the Scamper Gal, the prop will be protected, and will serve the additional function of causing `the Scamper Gal' instead of `Jessy' to be substituted in messages that use the `%n' substitution string. (See Section 2.1.7 for additional information on substitution strings.)

A restricted property ( ~ ) may be read like an unprotected prop, however it may only be modified by a wizard or a wizbitted program. A common use of restricted props is appointing non-wiz staff members. Staff commands, exits to administrative areas, and so forth, can be locked so that they may only be used by characters with specific restricted prop, such as `~staff'.

A wizard property ( @ ) may only be read or modified by a wizard or a wizbitted program. The server records connection data in players' propdir @/. On some MUCKs, wizard props and propdirs are used to record administrative information such as players' email addresses. Some wizbitted programs record potentially sensitive data such as mail in a wizard propdir stored on players.

Locks can read any property—including restricted and wizard properties—but may only check for matches with a specific value. (See Section 2.3.)

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