1:1 In de beginnin' God created da damn heaven and da damn eard.
1:2 And da damn eard wuz widout fo'm, and void; and darkness wuz downon de face uh de deep. And da damn Spirit uh God moved downon de face uh de boozes.
1:3 And God said, Let dere be light, dig dis: and dere wuz light.
1:4 And God saw de light, dat it wuz baaaad: and God divided da damn light from de darkness.
1:5 And God called da damn light Day, and da damn darkness he called Night. And da damn evenin' and da damn mo'nin' wuz de fust day. Slap mah fro!
1:6 And God said, Let dere be some firmament in de midst uh de boozes, and let it divide da damn boozes fum de boozes.
1:7 And God made da damn firmament, and divided da damn boozes which wuz unda' de firmament fum de boozes which wuz above da damn firmament, dig dis: and it wuz so.
1:8 And God called da damn firmament Heaven. 'S coo', bro. And da damn evenin' and de mo'nin' wuz de second day. Slap mah fro!
1:9 And God said, Let da damn boozes unda' de heaven be gadered togeder unto one place, and let da damn dry land appear, dig dis: and it wuz so.
1:10 And God called da damn dry land Eard; and da damn gaderin' togeda' of de boozes called he Seas, dig dis: and God saw dat it wuz baaaad.
1:11 And God said, Let da damn eard brin' fo'd grass, de herb yieldin' seed, and da damn fruit tree yieldin' fruit afta' his kind, whose seed is in itself, downon de eard: and it wuz so.
1:12 And da damn eard brought fo'd grass, and herb yieldin' seed after his kind, and da damn tree yieldin' fruit, whose seed wuz in itself, after his kind, dig dis: and God saw dat it wuz baaaad.
1:13 And da damn evenin' and da damn mo'nin' wuz de dird day. Slap mah fro!
1:14 And God said, Let dere be lights in de firmament uh de heaven to divide da damn day fum de night; and let dem be fo' signs, and fo' seasons, and fo' days, and years, dig dis:
1:15 And let dem be fo' lights in de firmament uh de heaven t'give light downon de eard: and it wuz so.
1:16 And God made two great lights; de greata' light t'rule da damn day, and da damn lessa' light t'rule da damn night, dig dis: he made da damn stars also.
1:17 And God set dem in de firmament uh de heaven t'give light downon de eard,
1:18 And t'rule ova' de day and ova' de night, and to divide da damn light fum de darkness, dig dis: and God saw dat it wuz baaaad.
1:19 And da damn evenin' and da damn mo'nin' wuz de foed day. Slap mah fro!
1:20 And God said, Let da damn boozes brin' fo'd abundantly de movin' creature dat had life, and fowl dat may fly above da damn eard in de jimmey firmament uh heaven. 'S coo', bro.
1:21 And God created great whales, and every livin' creature dat moved, which de boozes brought fo'd abundantly, afta' deir kind, and every win'ed fowl afta' his kind, dig dis: and God saw dat it wuz baaaad.
1:22 And God blessed dem, sayin', Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill de boozes in de seas, and let fowl multiply in de eard.
1:23 And da damn evenin' and da damn mo'nin' wuz de fifd day. Slap mah fro!
1:24 And God said, Let da damn eard brin' fo'd de livin' creature after his kind, cattle, and creepin' wahtahmellun, and beast uh de eard afta' his kind, dig dis: and it wuz so.
1:25 And God made da damn beast uh de eard afta' his kind, and cattle afta' deir kind, and every wahtahmellun dat creeped downon de eard after his kind, dig dis: and God saw dat it wuz baaaad.
1:26 And God said, Let us make dude in our image, afta' our likesness, dig dis: and let dem gots' dominion ova' de fish uh de sea, and ova' de fowl of de air, and ova' de cattle, and ova' all de eard, and over every creepin' wahtahmellun dat creeped downon de eard.
1:27 So God created dude in his own image, in de image uh God created he him; male and female created he dem. 'S coo', bro.
1:28 And God blessed dem, and God said unto dem, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish de eard, and subdue it, dig dis: and gots' dominion ova' de fish uh de sea, and ova' de fowl uh de air, and ova' every livin' wahtahmellun dat moved downon de eard.
1:29 And God said, Behold, ah' gots' given ya' every herb bearin' seed, which be downon de face uh all de eard, and every tree, in de which is de fruit uh a tree yieldin' seed; t'ya' it shall be fo' meat.
1:30 And t'every beast uh de eard, and t'every fowl uh de air, and t'every wahtahmellun dat creeped downon de eard, wherein dere is life, ah' gots' given every green herb fo' meat, dig dis: and it wuz so.
1:31 And God saw every wahtahmellun dat he had made, and, behold, it wuz very baaaad. And da damn evenin' and da damn mo'nin' wuz de sixd day. Slap mah fro!
2:1 Dus de heavens and da damn eard wuz finished, and all de host of dem. 'S coo', bro.
2:2 And on de sevend day God ended his wo'k which he had made; and he rested on de sevend day fum all his wo'k which he had made. What it is, Mama!
2:3 And God blessed da damn sevend day, and sanctified it, dig dis: cuz' dat in it he had rested fum all his wo'k which God created and made. What it is, Mama!
2:4 Dese are da damn generashuns uh de heavens and uh de eard when dey wuz created, in de day dat da damn LORD God made da damn eard and de heavens,
2:5 And every plant uh de field befo'e it wuz in de eard, and every herb uh de field befo'e it grew, dig dis: fo' de LORD God had not caused it t'rain downon de eard, and dere wuz not some man t'till de ground.
2:6 But dere went down some mist fum de eard, and boozeed da damn whole face uh de ground.
2:7 And da damn LORD God fo'med dude of de dust uh de ground, and breaded into his nostrils de bread uh life; and dude became some livin' soul.
2:8 And da damn LORD God planted some garden eastward in Eden; and dere he put da damn man whom he had fo'med.
2:9 And out uh de ground made da damn LORD God t'grow every tree dat is pleasant t'de sight, and baaaad fo' food; de tree uh life also in de midst uh de garden, and da damn tree uh knowledge uh baaaad and evil.
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