This area is a large, dimly-lit room containing several comfortable beds in various sizes. Each sleep space has a sound-proofed privacy curtain that can be drawn around it should one so desire, and there are more blankets and pillows neatly stashed in a large walk-in linen closet on one wall. A discreet sign asks that all within be considerate of fellow members of the ITG, while using the facilities provided for the comfort of all. There is a door in the far wall which leads to restrooms containing a variety of luxuries -- to a weary space-farer, at least. A hot tub/jaccuzzi, several showers, a variety of personal cleansers (scented or not, as desired), mirrors, a wide selection of brushes, and a plethora of huge, fluffy towels and industrial-strength hair dryers are available within. |
You are not currently in need of these facilities? Excellent. Let us return then to the lobby, and continue our perambulations. |