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+Prove is perhaps best used to demonstrate proficiency in an activity that spans a significant amount of time or which does not lend itself to a roll against a specific event. A performer in a play — especially one where the audience's reaction has a bearing on plot events — could prove his ability with relevant skills such as Actor and Bard at the beginning of the play, for example, rather than making a number of rolls against these skills during the play. The audience (or rather the audience's players) could use this information as a guide to how their characters would react to the performance. Or a jeweler might be showing his wares to a prospective customer: proving his skill as a jeweler would provide the customer with a reliable guide to the quality of the merchandise. Also, players who want to improvise a scene rather than handle it through rolls might want to use +prove at the outset to get a good idea of their relative abilities.

The syntax of the +prove command looks somewhat complex when expressed formally, but in practice is quite intuitive. Formally, the syntax is:

  +prove <stat or skill> [vs <player> [<ability>]] [to <player/s>]

In essence, the syntax is that of an English imperative sentence. Think about what you want to prove, and to whom, and type that; the command should be able to parse the sentence. In the examples provided below, both the terse and long forms — including punctuation — will work as +prove commands.

To display a stat or skill level to the room, +prove <stat or skill>.

+prove dex
>> Antar's Dexterity is 13

+prove my Intelligence.
>> Nim's Intelligence is 14

To display a level to an individual or group, `+prove <stat or skill> to <players>'.

+prove str to nim
>> Antar's Strength is 11 (to you)
>> Antar's Strength is 11 (to Nim)

+prove my Strength to Nim, Dieda, and Mick.
>> Antar's Strength is 11 (to Nim, Dieda, and Mick)

To show that a level is at least a certain number, +prove <ability> is|is at least <number>. For skills, the result is returned as your chance to succeed (stat or Base skill + skill level) rather than just the levels in the skill.

+prove fencing is 12
>> Antar's Fencing skill is at least 12

+prove that my healing ability is at least thirteen, to Antar.
>> Nim's Healing ability is at least 13 (to you)
>> Nim's Healing ability is at least 13 (to Antar)

To prove a level relative to that of another player, +prove <ability> vs|vs.|versus|against|is higher than <player>

+prove court influence vs andrew
>> Antar's Court Influence skill is higher than Andrew's

+prove that my Concealment skill is higher than Antar's Intelligence, to Antar.
>> Nim's Concealment skill is higher than Antar's Intelligence (to you)
>> Nim's Concealment skill is higher than Antar's Intelligence (to Antar)

The `is higher' form works just like `vs' or `against'. If you try to prove that a level `is higher' than another player's, when in fact it is not, prove will display the true relationship.

+prove that my court influence skill is higher than Antar's.
>> Nim's Court influence skill is lower than Antar's

In general, the parser should be able to interpret commands ranging from +prove str to +prove that my ability with mathematics is at least fourteen, to Cain, Able, and Zolaff. The most significant construction that would be correct in English but not as a +prove command is placing the `to' players before the level to be proven.

+prove to Nim that my strength is at least ten.
>>  Syntax: The players that you want to show the results to
            need to come at the end of the command.
>>  Example: +prove my dex vs Cain to Able

+prove that my strength is at least ten to Nim.
>>  Antar's Strength is at least 10 (to you)

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